Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stress. A contributing factor.

I started at Lane Bryant Outlet in the month of July, it was now March. I was hired on as an Assistant Manager. My store manager Sherry, and I had always got along great. We worked and played together, too. Sherry was 42, I was 21. She taught me alot about the inside scoop of retail management. Our team was very small, something I wasn't so used to coming from working before that in the Seattle area. You knew everyone and all their business. When I shared the news I was expecting, I received the run of the mill old people questions. Do you want boy or girl? Will you move to a new house? Are you excited? Wait are you even married yet? I never knew people could be so damn nosey. But it made me think about all the answers, What was I going to do? Nick and I had been engaged for a year at this point. I had spent that whole year self planning my wedding. The dress, the flowers, the place, the cake, it was all clipped and in my wedding planner ready to go. I don't however suggest planning a wedding while pregnant to anyone. It added so much more stress than I needed. Sherry has only been married, and later divorced once. She never had any children of her own. She was only ever pregnant for about a half a second. Frankly, she had no idea what I was experiencing. She assumed and she assumed alot that I could keep normal speed. I couldn't. I could barely get out of bed most days. I was so tired.
I recall one tough day when I had opened the store, I got there at 9 am. The closing manager was supposed to be there at 1. It was now 3 pm and I was flying the show solo. My feet hurt, I needed to eat and I was starting to lose my cool with the customers. I called Sherry, and explained what was going on and in typical Sherry fashion, she told me suck it up. It was her day off. I ended up closing the store at 9 and leaving at 930. I was pregnant for Heaven Sakes! She could of careless. I was so mad, hurt and upset. I'm pretty such my blood was boiling. To top it off, I had to open the store again at 9 am. I wanted to quit. If it was any other employee I could understand making them stay, but me, seriously come on.
Sherry and the Lane Bryant ladies and myself went through many stressful days at that store. I did however learn alot of good birthing information from the crazy mom, to, mom-to-be stories that everyone so desperately needed to share with me. Why is it that because your showing a little bump woman feel they can tell you all the gnarly details? Do they forget the hormone ratio while being pregnant? I think so.
Needless to say those last few months were tough.

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