Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gluten free we shall be!!

Never in my son's little life has he spoke and added words to his vocab at the alarming rate of 10 a day like he has the last two days. I read several books the last few weeks bowing down to the Gluten free world of food for Autistic children. They swore up and down how with in a few days or weeks their child was speaking and behaving so much more appropriately. Well after an epic tummy ache and a melt down, due to ingesting gluten some screaming and crying we rushed to the grocery store to stock up on some Joey safe foods. He took a probiotics for children and ate some food, he turned from a demon child to a little angel. No screaming no crying no tummy ache. We had eye contact, words, focus, he was playing with his toys in the "correct" way and he was so loving to his Mommy and Daddy. 

I became a believer. I have made a vow to God to do whatever it takes to prevent him from ever eating gluten again. For the first time in about 6 months Joey said Mom. He didn't just say it once he said it 3 or 4 times in a row, a good ole' MOM MOM MOM!! I instantly started crying tears of sheer joy! He's has become a whole new person. It's like he was trapped inside his own little world lost and looking for help. He is starting to enter our world. 

To date he has said, yum, mom, dad, no, stop, yes, food, fuck(not great by he did use his words lol), up, down, hot and on. Were sure we missed a word or two because we can't keep up! It is a grace from God at this moment in time. We are continuing to work with him on his signing, but in realty he is getting the talking faster anyway. 

I know things will be different for Joey, no cookies from Grandma, no happy meals, and he may have a hard time with not eating school lunches like the other kids, but I know its all for the better. I am so proud and excited, but now I must start getting together more GF recipes! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Wow...gluten free and it works for you! I'm so jealous. :) I have one gluten free boy and nothing! ha.

    I replied to your email days ago and didn't hear from you. Just sent a 2nd one tonight. I'm wondering if you didn't received it?

    my email is elizabethbrock@att.net if you want to chat. :)
